Phase 2: Community Advisory Council and Mini-Pilot

Recruitment for Phase 2 of the LetSync Study is closed.

Phase 2 consists of two parts: a Community Advisory Council (CAC) and a Mini Pilot of the app.


Why is Phase 2 being done? 

We want to learn more about how mobile apps may help Black couples living with HIV manage their treatment and care. 

Where will Phase 2 of this study happen? 

  • For the CAC, each session will be held over Zoom.
  • For the Mini Pilot, a study staff member can speak with you on Zoom to help you download the app on your phone. You will use the app for about 10 days, after which you will be interviewed over Zoom as well.

What will happen if I take part in Phase 2 of this study? 

If you participate in the CAC:

  • You will be part of a CAC with others like yourself, and you will discuss the design of a mobile app health product. This group discussion will be led by Dr. Judy Tan, the researcher of this study, or her research staff.
  • During CAC sessions, we will ask you what you thin kabout the app product idea, its functions, and how to improve it. Topics discussed during the session may include (1) How you use mobile technology in your everyday life; (2) How you share or use mobile technology with your partner; (3) Whether or not you see usefulness and benefits in managing your health with your partner, and ideas on how to do that; and (4) Your feedback on a mockup of the mobile health app, including its layout, usage, and its “User Guide” introduction video script.

If you participate in the Mini Pilot:

  • A staff member will help you download the LetSync app on your smartphone and will show you how to log in. You'll also be asked to fill out a survey.
  • We will ask you to use the app every day for about 10 days. 
  • The app will ask you questions about your daily interactions with your partner, and how using the app helped or did not help your and/or your partner’s engagement in care.
  • After you use the app for about 10 days, a staff member will interview you and your partner together over Zoom or the phone. We want to know about (1) your thoughts, experiences, ideas, and feelings about how the app helped you with your relationship and care engagement; (2) any tips you used to help you keep using the app; (3) the specific sections of the app; and (4) have you give feedback on mock-ups of future versions of the app. 

How long will Phase 2 take?

  • For the CAC, each CAC session will last about 2.5 hours and will meet 3 times over 3-4 months. 
  • For the Mini Pilot, the downloading portion and interview and will take about 2 hours total. You will use the app on your own time over a period of 10 days. 

What will I be paid for participating in Phase 2 of the study? 

Yes! However, you will get paid different amounts for each activity. 

  • For the CAC, you will be paid $60 for each session in which you participate. You will be asked to participate in all 3 sessions, so you may be paid as much as $210 for participating in all 3 sessions.
  • For the Mini Pilot, you and your partner will each be paid $50 at the first meeting when the app is loaded to your phone, and $50 at the follow-up interview - so, $100 in total.